What Data Says About the Future of the US Labor Market

Alongside wide-ranging changes in working habits and growing economic instability, we’ve seen talent shortages, wage inflation, and a fracturing of the labor market. Many organizations are concerned about the challenges just around the corner—and to discover what the immediate future may have in store for us, it’s time to look at what the data tells us about the past and the present.

This ebook looks at labor market data from early 2021 to late 2022 to truly understand what’s happening with jobs and wages. By analyzing the data by location and industry, we’re able to make predictions on what might happen in the labor market in the upcoming months and years.

Read the full ebook and discover answers to the following questions:

  • How is the US labor market currently performing?
  • What are the main factors behind current market performance?
  • How does the future look for US labor, according to current data?

Fill out the form to download the ebook now.

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